
New part time job

I began to new part time job. It is Izakaya, or Japanese-style pubs, called Miyabi-ya. The first day that I work there, I was really nervous. But the store manager, minohara was pretty kind and Fujimoto who was company member, Matsuoka who was part time jobber was also very kind people. They have never been angery with me. So, I easy to go to the work place and easy to remember the way to work.

One day, I presented gateau chocolat that I made to the worker. Surprisingly, The cake was decided to sell the customer. I really happy with it and I will try to make the cake more delicious.

Board of Miyabi-ya is pretty much. Every time I can full When I eat them. Moreover, rice is no limitted to eat. I refull to two times everytime I eat.

After a week that I began to work at Miyabi-ya, Two more part time jobber came to Miyabi-ya.
Matsumoto who is eighteen years old. he is the student at Kumamoto-gakuen university. one more person, Ohata is twenty-two years old and he is the student at Kumamoto University. Matsumoto live in Sumiyoshi. he lives near me because he and me live in the same city, Uto. So, we talk about Uto well when I meet him. On the other hand, I 've never met Ohata. I am looking forward to see him soon.

I'am Enjoy to part time job, but I have to really careful about school life to do not work much part time job! (256words/1967words)

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