
My Brother ! -came back home

Takuya, my mid-brother is now in Kyusyu-Kougyou University where at rural area in Hukuoka. The university is known as the univerisity that dufficult to enroll, like Kyusyu University. He failed to enroll the university twice and he finally enterd the university last year. His effort was rewareded, He could learn the university with no school ecpenses all last year because he elected by university as a high-achiving student. When he hears the news, he was really happy and he said I could be filial to my parents.

Takuya is very active man, he do volly ball in a circle and he often go competition to other prefecture. More over, he do band's activity oftenly. I can see he really enjoy his life in university when he talk about it. I hope that he will learn more lot of things from the university.

Above the picture is the one scene that Takuya teach Taishi(my third brother) how to resolute the math. (158words/905words)

1 件のコメント:

yohei さんのコメント...

Hi! I'm Yohei and one of the TAs.
Your posts about your brothers are quite good! I think you can described well. I also have an older brother, and our relationship is good like yours.
Please keep writing!

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