The skater of representative in Japan, Daisuke Takahashi got bronze medal on figure skate. His skill's step is said top level in a world. He have many great achievement, but his skateing life were not only that. Last season, he injured his leg badly and he experienced hard rehabilitation. The time that he injured his leg, he said his skating coach that he wants to quit skating and his coach told him that If you do it, quit it. Then he changed his mind, and he decided to do skating again for repayment his coach. He kept harsh rehabiritation eight hours every day from the desparate conditon that he could not skate at all.
I have the impressive scence of communication between Daisuke and his coach. Before Daisuke enter his key stage, he concerned about his skateing shoelace because the day before, Nobunari Oda drop out by cut shoelace and Daisuke's shoelace was about to cut. But his coach changed his shoelace before his key stage. I was really impressd and I suppoused it is show their deep of bond. (180words/747words)
I have the impressive scence of communication between Daisuke and his coach. Before Daisuke enter his key stage, he concerned about his skateing shoelace because the day before, Nobunari Oda drop out by cut shoelace and Daisuke's shoelace was about to cut. But his coach changed his shoelace before his key stage. I was really impressd and I suppoused it is show their deep of bond. (180words/747words)
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