
Simply Suspense

Simply Suspense that I read the book included three stories. The every story is about feeling afraid. I am going to review the one story in the three stories. It is The Waxwork that pretty peculiar story.
Raymond Hewson who works as a writer visited a Marriner’s Waxwork to his working for his poor family. But there was only strange thing at there. All waxworks were murderer. Marriner explained to the one of the waxwork, Dr Bourdette who was still not arrested by police and kill people by cut their throats. Hewson thought that the waxwork really more weird than other waxworks.
Hewson get down to his writing about the waxworks, but he was too much thinking of it and he lost his concentration. Then he gradually become feels that the Dr.Bourdette moved a little bit. Finally, the doctor move and attack to Hewson. (144words/9040words)

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