The book I read this time was the book written by most famous detective writer in America. He is Raymond Chandler and the book name is The Lady in the Lake. This story was a little bit difficult for me.
The hero of this story, Marlowe who is private detective was requested a case that looking for a wife called Crystal who missing from a rich man, Mr. Kingsley who the husband of the wife. Mr. Kingsley gave a letter that from his wife to Marlowe. The latter said that she is going to marry with Chris Lavery who is good looking guy. But Lavery just slept with her, not wanted to marry her. Marlowe visited Bill Chess who works at the house of Mr. Kingsley. Bill talked about his wife went out from him already. According to his story, he lost his wife because he slept Mrs. Crystal. But they found a dead body while they walk round a lake. It was Muriel, Bill’s wife.
On the other hand, De Soto who is police man at Los Angels and has a square face looking for a woman with the name Mildred Haviland. But Marlowe thought that Mildred Haviland is Bill’s wife, Muriel Bill. So, she was already died. Marlowe found a watch that was on the some words: Al to Mildred. With all my love when he visited the bill’s house again.
When Marlowe went to the Lavery again, He cached his eyes a pretty woman on the street. After that, he went into Lavery’s house, but he was killed by the woman walked street before with pretty small gun. Marlowe found that the woman was the Mrs.Kingsley actually when he showed Mr. Kingsley the gun that killed unlucky Lavery.
The things about Crystal Kingsley are going worse. Marlowe visited the house where live in parent of Mrs. Almore near the house of Chris Lavery for asking an old case about their daughter who was killed someone. The parent story was that someone killed the parent’s daughter, or by the daughter’s husband, Dr. Almore and then a nurse put the daughter on the bed that night. The nurse’s name was Mildred Haviland. Moreover, Marlowe heard the information from Webber who went to the case of Lavery. His subordinate, Degarmo who with square face and work for detective used to have a wife, Mildred Haviland. The name was going around Marlowe’s head.
Mr. Kingsley heard from her wife. According to his story, his wife was in trouble and she needs some money, but he did not want to see his wife, so he requested to Marlowe that give some money to Mrs. Kingsley. When Marlowe met Mrs. Kingsley, He tried to ask about why she got away from Mr. Kingsley. But He fight with her and she take out a small gun from her jacket. But someone hits the head of Marlowe and Mrs. Kingsley was killed by someone when Marlowe woke up with left her bloody dress then many police car came near Marlowe.
Marlowe luckily was helped by Degarmo with his car. Then He realized that Degarmo is the wirepuller of this whole case. The truth of this case was that Mildred Haviland killed Mrs. Almore, but Degarmo loved Mildred, so he covered up this case. Then, Degarmo sent away her and she married with Bill Chess with changed her name to Muriel Bill. But there was no exciting thing and she did not have any money, so she wrote some letter to Almore for money. But it was dangerous for her, so Degarmo tried to find her but he could not. Next she found that Mrs. Kingsley was in a bed with Bill Chess. So, Mildred killed Mrs. Kingsley and put her body in the lake, and then she pretended to Mrs. Kingsley because her husband, Mr. Kingsley was rich. But she got trouble when she met Chris Lavery because he knew that she was Mildred Haviland actually. So, she also murdered him. Finally Degarmo did not want to let know nobody about Mildred Haviland, so he killed his beloved woman. (684words/10058words)
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