I wrote the story about Rodney King Riot. Real Rodney King Riot made controversial. I think it lead about discrimination of races. But the story I made is happy ending story.
4, February, 1991. At the 23 avenue Alex was there for something. Five minute after, a black car came in front of him. “Are you ready for that?” a man in the car said. “Yeah, I’m ready” Alex weakly said. And then Alex gets in the car.
Four people in the black car arrived at warehouse nobody there. When four people get out of the car, Jessie spoke first, “Your friend, Rodney has an evidence should not be on the public. So, straightly I say, can you kill the Rodney?” “What? I can’t do that. He is my close friend. ”Alex surprised said. “Do it!” Jesse said with the gun. “Rodney has a tape I talked about secret deal” Jessie said coldly. “So you led me come here as you said good job for me!” Alex shouted. “Listen, I’m not white like you, we are black. Only you can do this plan because we stand out too much among other police.” “Like what?” “I let Derrick call Rodney about something happened when he was out side, then he drive so fast and you disguised police and caught him then kill him disguised self-defense and you have to be careful one thing, you have to help other police officer, why? You will kill him while you are diverted these police men and you need witness for proof of self-defense, so you will be safe.” “What a dangerous plan!” “Here is some the rewarding” Jessie showed with open the bag in 1 million. “The plan will be start 3, May” Jessie said with smile.
On the day, 3, May, Alex in the car near rake view terrace for waiting Rodney at the night. “Rodney will be here soon” Jessie said. Before Rodney came, Alex phoned somebody when Jessie away from him. Soon after that, Rodney came with fast car and Alex followed him. “Stop the car!” Alex said to Rodney. Rodney’s car stopped and Alex call other police. Before the other police come, they began to fighting. Jessie, far away from them, looked them strangely and thought why they are fighting before came other police?
When other police came, they tried to help Alex. But suddenly, Alex escaped from them and gets in the car. When other police noticed that, it’s too late, the car has gone.
“He betrayed me!” Jessie shouted angrily. “You will kill him, right?” said Derrick with smile. ”yes, but before that I will kill Rodney!” Jessie came near Rodney, but other police came and they took him in the car. “I did nothing! Why I have to go police?” “You did assault Rodney” Other police said with strange smile. Then Jessie realized I was set up!
In advance, before they meet at rake view terrace Alex phoned Rodney that gives the tape Alex and when he call help for other police he told police that take black person that is Jessie after he escaped. Alex knows well about character of Jessie he is very quick temper so he also knows Jessie will try to kill Rodney first, not Alex. Alex’s intelligent plan was very successes. Alex and Rodney were on the way to home finally.
What about Jessie? Of course he arrested with suspect the deal’s tape, not assault and other Jessie’s companies also arrested. (580words/6400words)
Reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodney_King
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