We have various types friends like, positive, negative, pessimist and optimists. If we have a problem, how our friends help us or they do not help us or could not help us? I read the book that there is Toad who is very adventurous and Badger who like isolation, Mole who is always worry about anything. Finally, Rat is strong and brave. They are good friends each other, but they were involved with problem because of Toad have dangerous character.
The beginning of this story is that mole got friend with a Rat and Rat invited mole to get in a boat for across a river. They became good friends and visited Toad who is pretty rich and that was the beginning of the worst things of them.
Toad invited Rat and mole to go a journey with a Toad’s caravan. But Toad does not work anything like wash dishes, cleaning and cooking. Toad just did sleeping except two animals. The accident occurred suddenly. The horse with caravan feared dust that suddenly appear and the horse pulled the caravan, the car fell over the road and broken. But next day, rich Toad bought a new large and expensive car!
After the terrible accident, mole and Rat came back to the Rat’s house. Mole wanted to meet Badger whom Rat’s friend and live in the Wild wood. So, Mole asked Rat invite badger to dinner. But Rat does not like the idea. On the contrary, Mole went to cold out sides while Rat sleep because Mole could not patient. When Rat woke up he pretty upset! But he was smart. He thought that Rat went to the Wild wood to meet badger. He went to wild wood to help mole though, Mole and Rat lost the way to home. But they found the badger’s house luckily!
When Badger knows about terrible toad’s thing, Rat suggested Badger to help Toad to stop to do dangerous thing and Badger decided to do something for Toad.
When come spring, three animals, Mole, Rat and Badger went to the Toad’s house to stop Toad’s dangerous behavior. Mole and Rat took Toad to his bedroom and they locked the door. But smart Toad disguised sick and Toad asked Rat to call doctor. Then, Toad escaped his house to faraway and got someone’s car and drove away. But Toad was caught by police and a judge sentenced the Toad to go to the prison for twenty years.
Toad’s life did not the end. Toad got the friend. She was the daughter of the one of the prison officer. She visited to the Toad everyday and brought some food for Toad. One day, the daughter told Toad to the way to escape the prison that he disguised washer woman who likes the daughter’s aunt. Next day, Toad escaped the prison and he got to ride the train by helping train’s driver. The driver told Toad to the way to escape from the nearly overtake police. Next day, he found a boatwoman on the river and he took her horse and sold the horse a man who cooking some food to eat something because Toad ate nothing whole a day. Toad suddenly fell into the river while he escaped from boat woman. Toad tried to swim but he could not.
Rat helped Toad to push the bank of the river and Toad listen the Rat story that Toad’ Hall was caught by weasels have knives and guns while Toad was took in prison. But Badger was very kind to Toad. Badger made a plan to attack the Weasels and take out of them from Toad’ Hal. After the three animals attack to the weasels, Toad changed good man and he did not buy any more cars!
I supposed that the kindness of the three animals, Mole, Rat and badger was great. They never betrayed the troublesome toad. I was very impressed by it. (654words/126words/780words)
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