
My summer retrospections

My summer time at this year was more great time than last years. I went to the three fireworks festival. They are took place to Kumamoto city, Tamana and Uto. My girl friend is really like to see firework. So, I went to places to anywhere to see firework as much as I can. The most impressive fire works is Tamana. It was eight thousand shooting. So, it was great powerful fireworks. I went to there in last year. But I supposed that this time was more powerfulness than last year. I could see so many various types of fireworks which colors was red, green and yellow. The sky had been really shiny that time. Fireworks have moment transience. Most of Japanese people feel it that I think. It was also difference how feel to fireworks between Japanese people and foreign country people. Some Japanese also may feel sentimentality. On the contrary, Fire works may just fun for foreign country people. There are some differences like this, but anyway, there is no change to exist the fire works to fun for people even now. (184words/total 2081words)

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